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发布时间:2023-04-10 06:48:38 作者:admin 来源:大庆志富医疗江南app官方下载苹果版 诊所 类型:整形知识 浏览数:56

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Hand surgery is a relatively new field of plastic surgery that has seen tremendous growth in recent years. With the increasing demand for improve hand function in daily life, many people turn to hand surgery to correct various hand deformities or injuries. Among these, finger malformations are some of the most common reasons for seeking hand surgery. If you are searching for the best hospital to receive finger surgery in Shenzhen, this article will guide you through the top choices and provide helpful information to make informed decisions.

Finger anatomy and common deformities

The human hand consists of 27 bones, which are connected by joints, muscles, and tendons. The fingers consist of three bones, each with a joint, and two bony processes. The joints are enclosed by ligaments, which offer stability, while the tendons flex and extend the fingers. Many factors can deform or damage the fingers, including congenital disabilities, injuries, infections, and arthritis. Some of the most common finger malformations that may require surgical intervention are:

Finger webbing or syndactyly

Extra fingers or polydactyly

Missing fingers or amputation

Trigger finger or stenosing tenosynovitis

Dupuytren’s contracture

Finger joint arthritis

Hand surgery hospitals in Shenzhen

If you want to receive high-quality and safe hand surgery in Shenzhen, here are some of the top choices:

Shenzhen Luohu Hospital: As one of the largest public hospitals in Shenzhen, Luohu Hospital has a well-equipped hand surgery department that can perform various surgeries, including finger re-implantation surgery, finger-joint replacement, and finger shortening or lengthening surgery. The hospital has experienced surgeons and the latest technology to ensure effective and safe outcomes.

Shenzhen Baoan Hospital: Baoan Hospital is another top public hospital in Shenzhen that excels in hand surgery. The hand surgery department has a specialized outpatient clinic that offers personalized and comprehensive care for different hand conditions. The hospital also employs minimally invasive techniques, such as arthroscopy and endoscopic carpal tunnel release, to minimize recovery time and risk.

Shenzhen International Hospital: As a private hospital, Shenzhen International Hospital is known for providing international-standard medical services and high patient satisfaction. The hand surgery department is staffed by experienced surgeons and nurses and equipped with advanced equipment and instruments. The hospital offers a range of hand procedures, including hand and finger reconstruction, microsurgery, and nerve surgery.

Final thoughts

Finger malformations or injuries can cause physical discomfort, functional limitations, and social stigma. If you are considering hand surgery to treat your finger condition, it’s essential to choose a reputable hospital with experienced surgeons, modern technology, and a compassionate team. Shenzhen has many excellent hospitals that can offer personalized and effective hand surgery, such as Luohu Hospital, Baoan Hospital, and Shenzhen International Hospital. You can further consult with a hand surgeon or doctor to determine the best treatment plan for your finger condition.

总结:更多手指整形医院深圳(深圳手指畸形手术哪家最好)请咨询江南app官方下载苹果版 客服,江南app官方下载苹果版 专注国内医美,整形、口腔、植发整形,美丽您值得拥有!



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